5 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Live by from Everything is Figureoutable

Whether you are just getting started or have been running your business for years, entrepreneurs all experience uncertainty and doubt.  Is entrepreneurship right for me?  Does this ever get easier? What if I don’t reach my goals?

These feelings are a natural part of an entrepreneur’s journey, but there is a remedy. You need a good friend to tell you how amazing you are and that you can figure anything out.  And that good friend is Marie Forleo.  

But wait you say – I don't have a friend named Marie Forleo.

Well you should and you can.  Read Forleo’s book Everything is Figureoutable, and she will become exactly the friend you need to lift your spirits and keep you moving toward your dreams. 

5 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Live by from Everything is Figureoutable

1. Swap “can’t” for “won’t” to take ownership of your life

When you use the language “I can’t” you are telling yourself that you are powerless to change your circumstances.  You are reinforcing an inner belief that you aren’t capable or don’t have the time to follow your dreams.  

When you change your language from can’t to won’t—“I can’t make time to launch my blog” vs “I won’t make time to launch my blog”—you start to take ownership of how you manage your life and your time.  

As Marie Forleo says, “If you take responsibility for how you spend your time, you claim the power to change it.  If it’s important enough, I’ll make time. If not, I’ll make an excuse.”

You created the schedule that runs your life, which means you have the power to change it to make space for the things you really want to do.  

2. Setbacks are opportunities for growth 

It’s important to remember that everyone has setbacks, mistakes, snafus, or complete wipeouts.  But as Forleo says, “A fall is never final unless you stay on the ground”.

There is no entrepreneurial journey that doesn’t have setbacks.  You will be creating a new path, and inevitably, you will encounter roadblocks and unforeseen obstacles along the way. Some of those setbacks may even feel like failures, but they’re only failures if you refuse to get back up and keep going.

Forleo recommends that you redefine the word FAIL as a Faithful Attempt In Learning.  So long as you take the time to reflect and learn from your failures, they aren’t an end point, but a means of growing and expanding your knowledge. 

3. Fear is a sign that you’re facing something important

Fear is a natural part of the entrepreneurial experience.  Whether your just launching your business or exploring ways to expand, you are trying something new, and it’s natural to be scared.  But that fear is also a good indication that this is something that really matters to you. 

If someone asked you to try roasting potatoes in a new way, you probably wouldn’t feel scared.  Maybe the potatoes won’t turn out well, but it’s not a big deal if they don’t, so there’s no fear.  You feel fear about starting a new business or making a big change because the end result is something you really want, and you’re nervous it won’t work out.  

Recognize your fear as alarm bells telling you need to take action.  This dream you have is important.  So get started with a few simple things.  Sign up for a class, write an email, or schedule an appointment.  Once you’re in motion, you will start to build momentum and your fear will diminish. 

4. Start before you feel ready.

The reality is – you will never feel quite ready to make big changes in your life or your business.  Taking the plunge is scary, but if you don’t do it, you will never reach your dreams.

When you don’t feel ready, you think, “I can’t start until I know how to do this.” But unfortunately, you’ll never know how to do something until you get started. You should research and learn along the way, but don’t let that stop you from putting things out in the world. The fastest way to learn is to try, so start trying. 

For example, if you’ve never had a business Instagram account, open one up and start posting.  Your first posts might be awful – that’s ok.  Evaluate what could be improved and make your next post better. And start making videos—they will be bad—but you will get better every time you make one. 

You can’t get better until you start doing.  You won’t be very good at first and you might feel uncomfortable and a little silly, but that's part of the process.  

As Forleo so wisely says, “Starting small and sucky beats staying sucky.” 

5. Celebrate progress not perfection

If you are prone to perfectionism, it’s important to recognize that perfection isn’t possible, and that perfectionism is less about having high standards and more about a fear of making a mistake or being judged.  

Perfectionism will hold you back from reaching your dreams.  You can’t try something new if you aren’t willing to make mistakes. You must learn to celebrate progress – not perfection.  Every time you do something new, learn something new, or add something new to the world – recognize that as progress toward your dream.  

So long as you keep learning and improving, you’re succeeding. Progress is your key measure of success. Stop being embarrassed about your imperfections, and instead revel in your willingness to try.

Everything is Figureoutable: Small Business Book Review

I first read Everything is Figureoutable seven months ago when I was launching CLIMB, and it was exactly what I needed.  

Starting a new business is exhausting and terrifying.  And I am very guilty of perfectionist tendencies because I don’t want to be judged for turning out “subpar” work.  Forleo gave me the kick in the pants I needed to stop worrying about being judged and to start taking action toward my dreams. 

And as I reread Everything is Figureoutable this week, it was a much-needed reminder to celebrate my progress.  I’m still very far from my goals, but I’ve learned so much in the last 7 months.  

I give Everything is Figureoutable a 5 out 5 stars for small business owners.  Buy a copy, read it, and then reread it again whenever you’re struggling or just need a little boost. It will be the tonic you need to pick yourself up and keep figuring it out.

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