5 Introvert Friendly Strategies to Grow Your Professional Network from Stand Out Networking by Dorie Clark

Networking – we all know it’s important, but if you’re anything like me, you dread it.  If asked to choose between going to the dentist or chatting with a bunch of strangers in a noisy conference room… I’d choose the dentist in a heartbeat. 

Even if you don’t dread traditional networking as much as I do (I’m a card-carrying introvert), business-card-exchange events rarely return great results. There are less awkward, more impactful ways to build your network.  

To get started on your effective networking journey, I recommend following some great advice from Dorie Clark’s Stand Out Networking.


Two Keys to Building an Impactful Network

1. Networking is about relationship building

Networking is not about instant returns.  Expecting someone to become a customer or start referring you after a ten-minute conversation is unrealistic.  Building trust takes time, and to get impactful benefits from your network, you need to go beyond business cards and LinkedIn connections.   You need to build genuine relationships. 

This means prioritizing the people you truly connect with and becoming actual friends. Rather than trying to have surface level relationships with hordes of people, focus on strong relationships with a smaller group.  Check in with your core network regularly to see how they’re doing, and make it a priority to create both a professional and personal connection.

By treating your professional network like your personal network, you’ll turn networking into something that is joyful and supportive, rather than awkward and transactional. 


2. Be someone others can depend on

The best way to encourage others to help you is to help them first.  If you want people to think of you for client referrals, speaking engagements, or other opportunities, then you need to do those things for them without being asked. And when someone does reach out with a specific request, do your best to make it happen.  

If the idea of making space and time to help a bunch of people makes you feel overwhelmed, remember that you don’t have to help everyone who reaches out to you.  Your goal is to have a strong network full of genuine relationships built on trust and mutual support.  This means being selective about where you give your time, and you should only do things that work for your life and your business.


Three Ways to Start Growing Your Network

Now that you know what an impactful network looks like, it’s time to start growing your community.  As an entrepreneur, you must be very intentional about meeting new people because trying to succeed on your own will only hold you back.  Below are three ways to grow an impactful and authentic network. 


1. Create a real human connection

When you meet someone who may be useful for your professional network, it can be tempting to put on a façade of perfection as if you were in a job interview.  But no one wants to listen to a laundry list of someone else’s accomplishment.  Your goal is to create real relationships with people, so you just need to be yourself. 

Start conversations with a focus on discovering commonalities.  They could be about business, but personal connections are just as impactful.  Perhaps you both have toddlers, enjoy pickle ball, or studied abroad in Asia.  You’re trying to find professional friends, so focus on making a genuine human connection.  They’ll discover just how exceptional you are professionally as your relationship grows.


2. Interview others to start your connection

If there is someone you’re hoping to add to your personal network, interviewing them can be a great way to start that relationship.  If you have a podcast, reach out to people you respect and ask them to be a guest.  Or, you could interview them for a blog post or get a quote for your social media.

People appreciate being treated as an expert, and when you include them in your media, you’re creating great cross exposure.  By going the extra mile to enhance their visibility, you’re starting your future relationship off on a great foot.


3.  Host your own small events

After you’ve met people that you’d like to stay in touch with, you might be wondering how to continue the relationship.  A great strategy is to host your own mini networking events.  If you feel a connection with the people you invite, odds are good they will also connect with one another. Inviting them to a group dinner or coffee meet up will give you a chance to connect more deeply, and your guests will appreciate your help growing their network.


My Small Business Book Review: Stand Out Networking

As an entrepreneur introvert, I am always looking for help to improve my networking.  Going to large group events and schmoozing sounds like nothing short of torture.  But I’m always at home working on my own, so my network won’t grow without some real intentionality. 

If you’re like me (or even if you’re not), Dorie Clark’s Stand Out Networking is a great little read.  At just over 50 pages, you can read this book in one sitting.  You’ll walk away with concrete tips on how to grow your network in a natural and human way, something we can all appreciate.

I give Stand Out Networking a 4.5 out of 5 stars for small business owners.    

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