MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

Being A Very Hungry Caterpillar

The reality that businesses success often takes years of hard work can be a difficult pill to swallow. We want to believe that if we do our homework, put in the time, and ‘have passion’ then we will be successful overnight.

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MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

Celebrate the Small Stuff

The holidays can be wonderful, but they when they don’t go right - it can be tough. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but if you didn’t, I encourage you to find some little things to be thankful for and celebrate!

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MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

Inspiration from Learning

Learning is like exercising. It’s difficult to find the motivation, especially when you’re tired and feeling overwhelmed. But when you make it happen, the energy it gives you will be the boost you need to get back to work!

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MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

Overcoming My Worries

“Fear of what other people might think is the single most paralyzing dynamic in business and in life.” It seems so obvious that we shouldn’t worry about what other people think, but when we are caught up in worrying, it’s hard to see the obvious.

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MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

My Monday Mantra on Tuesday

Full disclosure - I had a different post planned for my Monday Mantra this week, but I mismanaged my day yesterday and ran out of time to write the article. I thought about skipping this week, but realized it was a great opportunity to rally from my mistake and celebrate another great mantra:

“Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.” - Nikki Giovanni

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MondayMantra Beth Houtrow MondayMantra Beth Houtrow

My Small Business Mantra

I’m not much for posters with inspirational messages, but I would make an exception for this one: Self-Control is Empathy With your Future Self. Hearing this quote from one of my clients was a big awakening moment for me as I traversed the reality of ‘being my own boss’.

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